Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by: The House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A retreat guide will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 6pm on Tuesday and depart by 3pm on Thursday.
En-suite: £220
Standard: £200
The Night and the Cross: John of the Cross and Edith Stein
Led by Kerryn Penson
Join us for a day exploring the spirituality of two Carmelite saints, John of the Cross and Edith Stein (Teresia Benedicta a Cruce). Drawing on Edith Stein’s dialogue with John of the Cross, we will ponder the importance of John’s ‘Dark Night’ and Edith’s ‘Science of the Cross’ for our prayer and spirituality today. This gentle and reflective day will offer times of input and space for personal reflection and prayer.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £30
Overnight stay (B&B, Fri - Sat) + day retreat: £85
Advent Retreat: Welcoming the Word
Led by Audrey Hamilton
Join us for a time of silence and stillness as we embrace this holy season. With times of input and guided reflection, together with ample space for personal prayer, we will open our hearts to the loving kindness of God and all that God wishes to give.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm and depart after lunch on Sunday.
En-suite: £230
Standard: £210
Advent Quiet Morning: What must we do?
Led by the House of Prayer Team
An invitation to step aside from the pre-Christmas rush and spend some time reflecting on the wonder and mystery of God’s coming amongst us.
10am – 12.30pm
Suggested donation: £10
Quiet Morning: A Time for Everything
Led by Kerryn Penson
A gentle and spacious morning to take time to listen to our lives and listen to God at the start of a new year. There will be led reflections and space for personal prayer.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 1pm.
Cost: £15
New Beginnings: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
At the beginning of a new year, this silent retreat offers an opportunity to reflect on your life and find your bearings for the year ahead. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 3pm on Sunday.
Ensuite: £230
Standard: £210
Living Presence
Led by Jill Benet
‘Silence moves into stillness and stillness morphs into Presence.’ Thomas Keating
Join a small community for a weekend of prayer and practice, and reconnect with the Presence which surpasses all understanding - a Presence that we find missing and yet, at the deepest root of our self, is always there and always new.
This weekend is a time to refresh your practice of Centering Prayer and supporting practices and to find the place of stillness from which all movement arises.
It will include extended periods of Centering Prayer and silence, some input and a chance to share and to ask questions in the group or one to one with the retreat leader.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
Ensuite: £240
Standard: £220
Praying the Scriptures
Led by Canon Peter Sills
A prayerful exploration of the evolving story of the Bible
Understanding the Bible can be a bit of a challenge, especially those parts of the scriptures that are remote from our experience. Beginning with the different pictures of God and Jesus that it presents, this exploration helps us to understand the Bible as an evolving story. Meditative and imaginative prayer bring alive the different levels of truth, from the literal to the poetic and symbolic. Getting under the skin of the Bible, we see how ideas of hope and destiny, faith and morality developed alongside changes in life and experience.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £35
Including B&B (Fri – Sat): £100
Living Prayer into Life – God is All in All
Led by Jill Benet
An invitation to join a small community and immerse yourself fully into the practice of Centering Prayer and its background as taught by Contemplative Outreach.
There will be up to 3 hours of Centering Prayer each day, and the time outside meetings is mainly held in silence. The rhythm of the day will include personal reflection, some activity, contemplative liturgy and Lectio Divina.
We shall draw on the teachings of Fr Thomas Keating and Cynthia Bourgeault as well as opening to our inner promptings. The retreat is suitable for those who have established or are establishing the practice of Centering Prayer. It would be helpful to have attended an introduction to Centering Prayer course or be familiar with the method of Centering Prayer.
Arrive in time for supper at 6pm on 2/2 and depart after breakfast on 9/2.
Ensuite: £765
Standard: £700
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 6pm and depart by 3pm on Thursday.
Ensuite: £230
Standard: £210
Mystery revealed: An introduction to iconography
Led by Cari Bridgen
This day offers an opportunity to explore iconography and reflect on how images affect and enable us to connect with our faith. We will discover how the Eastern Orthodox Church understands iconostasis and ponder how others have used icons in their prayer life. We will spend time in prayer with icons, including those depicting the Annunciation, Christ Pantocrator, Mary and Jesus, and John the Baptist. There will be times of led input and sharing, as well as space for our own prayer and creativity, including drawing our own images and considering the pigments used in iconography.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £35
Including B&B (Fri – Sat): £100
Approaching ageing with optimism and courage
Led by Sr Anne Dunne and Chris Cross
Many of us desire healthy and purposeful longer lives. We want to remain relevant and contribute to society, our community, and families – but unhelpful beliefs about aging may cause us to doubt our strengths, both physically, mentally and spiritually. Where do we set the boundaries so we can give ourselves permission to honour our wiser, older selves?
If you are standing at the crossroads – maybe leading a busy life and wondering ‘what next?’ Or perhaps you are seeing changes and choices on the horizon that would benefit from a positive and constructive mindset then this short course might be for you. It will give you the opportunity to reflect on where and how you are right now and to think about what you desire for the future to help you fully embrace the challenge of getting older and the spiritual gifts it could bring.
Starts at 10.30am and finishes at 1pm.
Starts at 10.30am and finishes at 1pm.
Course sessions will take place on Fridays on the following dates:
28 February
7, 14, 21, 28 March
Cost: £75
Open Door Retreat Training Weekend
Led by Tina Quinn and Sarah van Wely
A training weekend retreat for those interested in leading an Open Door Retreat
This training weekend retreat is offered for those who are interested in leading an Open Door Retreat in their parish or pastoral area. Participants should have knowledge of Ignatian spirituality, some training and experience in spiritual direction, and ideally attend as pairs with the person they might facilitate a future Open Door Retreat with. The retreat is also suitable for those seeking to refresh their experience of ODRs.
En-suite: £230
Standard: £210
Day guest: £90
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 3pm on Sunday.
Ensuite: £230
Standard: £210
Stepping out in Faith: Finding the courage to walk on water
Led by Alison MacTier
Our journey through Lent involves trust and courage. But taking that step is a journey towards becoming truly ourselves. We explore this theme using Scripture, reflective prayer, poetry, images and music.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £35
Including B&B (Fri – Sat): £100
Lent Retreat: Journeying to Jerusalem
Led by Audrey Hamilton
Join us for a time of silence and stillness as we journey through Lent and ponder the height and depth of God’s personal love for us. There will be times of guided reflections and space for personal and community prayer with poetry, music and Scripture.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart after lunch on Sunday.
En-suite: £240
Standard: £220
Day guest: £110
Quiet Morning: Abide with me
Led by Kerryn Penson
A time for prayer, companionship and reflection as we ponder the transformative meaning of abiding in God this Lent.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 1pm.
Cost: £15
Holy Week: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
As we journey through Holy Week, this silent retreat offers a time of deeper listening to God who is present in our daily living and experiences. There will be times of community prayer. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat.
Arrive in time for supper at 6pm and depart by 3pm on Thursday.
Ensuite: £230
Standard: £210
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 3pm on Sunday.
Ensuite: £230
Standard: £210
Icon-making Workshop
Led by Cari Bridgen
Come and make a Byzantine icon. This introductory course offers participants the opportunity to make an icon over six weeks in the prayerful environment of the House of Prayer. All materials will be provided including pigments and an authentic gessoed panel. With Cari’s guidance and support, participants will be able to make a head and shoulders Byzantine image, choosing from several examples, including the Pantocrator, the Blessed Mary and Child, or an Angel. During the course, we will learn how to transfer the drawn image onto the panel, mix pigments and consider colours, and add layers of highlights beginning with the initial Proplasmos. We will not use gold leaf, but there will be gold paint for haloes, wings and garments. At the end of the course, our icons will be blessed.
Days begin at 10am and finish at 4pm.Please bring a packed lunch.
The workshop will meet weekly on Tuesdays on the following dates:
6, 13, 20, 27 May
3, 10 June
Cost: £300 (for six sessions including materials)
Ordering Desire
Led by Maria Manuela Silva
Desire motivates, inspires and shapes us - for better or for worse. Scripture has much to say about desire: God’s and our own. This weekend is an invitation to join us in exploring desire through the lens of the Lord’s Prayer: those few short lines Christians have prayed across centuries and traditions. Combining ancient wisdom with modern psychological research, we will delve deep into its key movements to discover the framework and the power that will order our desires.
There will be led reflections and time for individual reflection, sharing, and creative activities. This is not a silent retreat, but the House will be quiet from Evening to Morning Prayer.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £240
Standard: £220
Day guest: £110
Walking the Path Together: Lessons from the Mystical Tradition for Christian Living Today
Led by Peter Tyler
The spiritual path can sometimes be hard, lonely and often difficult to understand (and talk about) – we experience 'highs' and 'lows', light and shadow, refreshment and desolation. The day is an opportunity to reflect on our journeys in the beauty and tranquillity of the House of Prayer and its grounds. Our reflections will be facilitated by the wisdom of scripture, mystical writings and silent contemplation.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £35
Including B&B (Fri – Sat): £100
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 3pm on Sunday.
Ensuite: £230
Standard: £210
Time Aside: A Retreat for Spiritual Directors
Led by Sr Anne Dunne and Nicola Mason
A weekend of rest, reflection, silence and prayer
This retreat will give you an opportunity to connect with other Spiritual Directors who are also accompanying people who seek to deepen their relationship with God. You are invited to' come apart' for a time to feel supported, encouraged and refreshed for this beautiful ministry and to set time aside for yourself to slow down and reconnect with your call to this work of the Holy Spirit.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 3pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £240
Standard: £220
Day Guest : £110
Praying with Mother Earth
Led by: Annette Kaye
In these days of environmental and planetary crisis, how can we pray with and for Mother Earth? How do we fall in love with her beauty and provision, and allow her to challenge our habitual misuse of her resources? This day will allow time and space for these questions, as well as listening for ways in which we can best be collaborators and allies in the healing of the planet.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £35
Including B&B (Fri – Sat): £100
Going Deeper: 6-day Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for those seeking a longer break from the busyness of the world to spend time in quiet prayer and reflection. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart after breakfast the following Friday.
Ensuite: £735
Standard: £670
Capturing the gifts of prayer
Led by Patrick Coyne
An introduction to different ways of praying
When we pray, on occasion we can wonder if anyone is listening, feel ‘stuck’ or be ‘bored’. During difficult times, we can feel called to pray from our depths: we know that we need and want to pray. In happier moments, we might experience the need to thank God for the love and joy we have received. Then there may be times when we need to talk with God about how best to make a decision.
This retreat will provide the opportunity to slow down, rest and wonder about our prayer. We will ponder God’s invitation to us to listen and rest in God, and consider how to pay attention to our unfolding conversation with God over time. We will explore different ways and methods of prayer, including Ignatian prayer, meditation and contemplation, poetry, praying with Scripture, images and music.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £240
Standard: £220
Day guest: £110
Prayerful conversations with Mary, Joseph and Jesus
Led by Patrick Coyne
This day provides an opportunity to join the Holy Family in prayer and open our hearts to their love, support and guidance. Alongside Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we will consider the wider and extended Holy Family: Anne, Joachim and Elizabeth, John the Baptist, the disciples, friends and people in the crowd. There will be times of led prayer and meditation, offering suggestions to help our prayerful conversations, along with the opportunity to reflect on the gifts received from our encounter with Mary, Joseph and Jesus.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £35
Including B&B (Fri – Sat): £100
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 3pm on Sunday.
Ensuite: £230
Standard: £210
Quiet Morning: In the waiting
Led by: Kerryn Penson
A quiet morning for those who have not made a silent retreat before, are not sure where to begin, or for those seeking to encounter God in silence. There will be short led sessions exploring silence, prayer and suggestions and space for personal reflection.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 1pm.
Cost: £15
Open House
Retreats are for all people at any time of their lives. The House of Prayer offers a breathing space and everything needed for a retreat. Call in, meet the team, and find out more about making a retreat. There will be the opportunity to explore the House and gardens, and refreshments will be provided.
From 10am – 1pm
Knitting Retreat – Meeting God in our creativity
Led by Sr Cathy Edge
This is an opportunity to spend time knitting together and praying together, along with times for quiet reflection and prayer while exploring how our creativity can help us connect with God who created each one of us in love.
This retreat is for those who know the basics of knitting. You are encouraged to bring your own project with you for you to work on. There will be the opportunity for a ‘knitalong’ together. Yarn and needles will be provided for the ‘knitalong’ and some other small projects.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £240
Standard: £220
Day guest: £110
Angel Voices
Led by Dr Antonia Lynn
We shall celebrate the season of Michaelmas, and of the Autumn Equinox, by pausing from our busyness to create a “thin” place together where we can consider the balance of light and darkness, heaven and earth, by exploring together some of the angelic encounters in Scripture. A blend of input, sharing, reflection and creative rest — and a space simply to “be”.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £35
Including B&B (Fri – Sat): £100
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 3pm on Sunday.
Ensuite: £230
Standard: £210
Through the door of hope
Led by Christopher Chapman
Stepping into hope within challenging times
Hope has its roots in a God who is always moving into how things are. The door of hope is open and God steps through it with purpose and compassion. Through this same door we can step out in God into all that is broken apart. Over this weekend we will explore what hope is and how we can move with it when meeting our own challenges and those of our time.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £240
Standard: £220
Day guest: £110
Retreat practices for busy people
Led by Dr Gemma Simmonds CJ
Many people long to go on retreat but have neither the time nor the resources to make an extended stay away from work and home possible. Others may worry about the ‘all or nothing’ approach to a retreat away and how they can keep up the momentum of prayer once back in their own routine. Using her book Dancing at the Still Point: Retreat Practices for Busy Lives, Gemma Simmonds explores how to develop and maintain the Ignatian tradition of ‘finding God in all things’ in the ordinary experiences of daily life.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £35
Including B&B (Fri – Sat): £100
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 3pm on Sunday.
Ensuite: £230
Standard: £210
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A trained spiritual director will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 6pm and depart by 3pm.
Ensuite: £230
Standard: £210
‘An intimate sharing between friends…’
Led by Audrey Hamilton
Such was the simple, yet profound, description of prayer given to us by St Teresa of Avila. A warm, friendly and engaging personality, and the first woman to be declared a Doctor of the Church, in September 1970, she is the great teacher on prayer.
Join us as we learn from her writings and example how it is ‘important not to think much but to love much’ and to entrust everything to the One whom she knows dwells within us and delights in us. We will learn that prayer is not complicated but an exercise in love and friendship, embracing both the contemplative and apostolic dimensions of life.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £35
Including B&B (Fri – Sat): £100
Advent Retreat: Awakening hope
Led by the House of Prayer Team
The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad;
the desert shall rejoice and blossom. (Isaiah 35: 1)
As we approach Christmas, this residential retreat will offer a silent and creative space to pray and reflect as we wait in joyful hope and expectancy for the coming of Christ. This retreat will include regular input and meditations on Scripture, poetry and music, and space for personal reflection and prayer.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 3pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £240
Standard: £220
Day guest: £110
Quiet Morning: Come near and listen
Led by Kerryn Penson
An invitation to step aside from the pre-Christmas rush and spend some time reflecting on the wonder and mystery of God’s coming amongst us.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 1pm.
Cost: £15
The Work of Silence
Led by: Jill Benet
What do we mean by being in Silence? Is this something we believe we have to do? Or is it something that is a gift to be received? Join a small community for a weekend, with the invitation to abide in the intimacy of Silence. There will be extended periods of Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, time for reflection and rest.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 3pm on Sunday
En-suite: £230
Standard: £210
Commitment to the Contemplative Life - 8-Day Centering Prayer Intensive Retreat
Led by: Jill Benet
Intensive retreats are an opportunity to deepen the practice of Centering Prayer in a small community committed to Silence and Solitude. There will be extended periods of Centering Prayer and the time outside meetings will be in silence with ample time for personal reflection. We shall draw on the teaching of Fr Thomas Keating, Lectio Divina and Contemplative Liturgy.
The retreat is suitable for those who have established or are establishing the practice of Centering Prayer and have ideally attended an introductory workshop.
Arrive in time for supper at 6pm on Sunday 27 October and depart after breakfast on Sunday 3 November
En-suite: £730
Standard: £665
Enabling a better relationship with God
Led by: Merinda D’Aprano
How understanding your unconscious bias can free you to find a richer, more authentic faith
This day offers a reflective space to explore our unconscious bias and how this can impact our relationship with God. Over four sessions, we will explore questions such as: What is unconscious bias? How does it create our shadow side? Why is faith so controversial? What are we going to let go of? Where might we go from here? All sharing is entirely voluntary.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £30
Emptiness Dancing: A Meditation Retreat
Led by: Briji Waterfield
From stillness to movement, from silence to song - a weekend to explore how we can live contemplatively as we navigate the pressures of daily life, remaining present and centered in the core of our being. Meditation, contemplative practices and space for group reflection will be included. The weekend will be suitable for those who have an established practice of Christian meditation. Spiritual direction will also be offered.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £230
Standard: £210
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by: The House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A retreat guide will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
Standard: £200
Seeing as a child – Spirituality of Storytelling
Led by: Anne Booth
Jesus tells us to be like children, but what does this mean? Anne Booth, author of books for both children and adults, explores how story telling can help us in our own spiritual journey, and how looking at our life’s narrative through a child’s eyes can help us draw closer to Jesus, the teller of parables. This day will use stories as a jumping off place for meditation and prayer.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £30
Overnight stay (B&B – Fri – Sat) + day retreat: £85
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by: The House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A retreat guide will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday
En-suite: £220
Standard: £200
Choosing Life
Led by: Christopher Chapman
A retreat for those seeking new direction in their lives
Choices face us within our relationships, work, and ministry. Sometimes we are aware of a specific choice that is ours to make; at other times what we recognise is the need for change, without seeing where this leads us. Sometimes events jolt us out of our former path and we don’t know how to respond.
Drawing on themes and prayer exercises from the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, this retreat will provide the space and resources to explore new directions, as we become aware of the invitation of the Spirit.
God desires to lead us into our own truth: a truth that will set us free and enable our lives to be fruitful.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £230
Standard: £210
One Thing is Needful: a Day with Martha, Mary and Jesus
Led by: Dr Antonia Lynn
Martha and Mary are often seen as opposites, and we think we know all about them: it’s better to be like Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus than Martha grumbling in the kitchen… But there’s much more to these two sisters who were both such close friends of Jesus, especially if we consider their stories in John’s Gospel as well as Luke’s. They can reveal much about our human complexity and how it enriches our faith. This will be a reflective day, with input to evoke thought and prayer, and plenty of gentle, relaxing space to ponder the “Martha and Mary” within each of us, finding our own unique way to deepen our friendship with Our Lord.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £30
Overnight stay (B&B – Fri – Sat) + day retreat: £85
Praying with our full humanity
Led by: Nicola Mason
God created us human and chose in the incarnation to share our humanity, yet many of us seem to feel or act as if being the particular human we are - in all our unvarnished reality - hinders us from sharing in God’s life, or from being the holy people we long to be. We can be dogged by a sense that we need to improve and tempted to bring only selected parts of ourselves to prayer.
This weekend, in company with saints and writers past and present, we will look at how we can learn to pray with all of our humanity, and discover that every part of ourselves and our experience is holy ground, and the place of our encounter with God.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday
En-suite: £230
Standard: £210
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by: The House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A retreat guide will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £220
Standard: £200
Prayer through the lens of the Enneagram
Led by: Maria Manuela Silva
Prayer is about relationship, with God, ourselves, and others. As we pray, we surrender to God and to God's work in us and through us. How might the Enneagram help us with that ancient request, 'Lord, teach us to pray'?
The Enneagram is first and foremost an invitation to exploration, movement, and connection. As you enter its circle, travel along its lines, and stop awhile with each of its numbers, we invite you to discover its potential to illuminate your praying.
We will dig deep into the three centres of intelligence and the nine expressions of personality, connecting them to the great spiritual movements of consolation and desolation. We will also touch on a range of spiritual practices and postures for you to explore.
We will assume you have a basic familiarity with the Enneagram. For a refresher on the basics of the Enneagram, please visit
If you don't know your Enneatype (the number), you can purchase a test here:
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £30
Overnight stay (B&B – Fri – Sat) + day retreat: £85
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by: The House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A retreat guide will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £220
Standard: £200
Living Fully
Led by: Jill Benet
An exploration into the sacredness of our lives and the world we live in. Through the practice of the bodily experience of Lectio Divina, Centering Prayer and the appreciation of those parts of us that we so often reject, we can live the meaning of our lives more fully.
The week will include extended periods of Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina and an introduction to Inner Relationship Focusing. There will be periods of silence and time for reflection.
Experience of Centering Prayer or similar practice will be helpful.
Arrive in time for supper at 6pm on Sunday and depart late morning on Friday.
En-suite: £605
Standard: £555
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by: The House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A retreat guide will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £220
Standard: £200
Becoming Whom We Behold – Praying with Julian of Norwich
Led by: Fr Bruce Batstone
A day reflecting on the Divine Love revealed to the Lady Julian which has much to show us about darkness and suffering, the beauty of creation , and God's-mother-like love.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £30
Overnight stay (B&B – Fri – Sat) + day retreat: £85
A time to dance - embracing every season of life
Led by Alison MacTier
A weekend to explore and celebrate the changing seasons of our lives within the context of the natural world around us. We reflect on scripture, poetry, image and guided meditations.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £230
Standard: £210
Building from the Foundation: exploring the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises
Led by Dr Gemma Simmonds CJ
A retreat day exploring prayerfully the practical and theological meaning of the Principle and Foundation in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. No specialist knowledge required.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £30
Overnight stay (B&B – Fri – Sat) + day retreat: £85
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A retreat guide will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday
En-suite: £220
Standard: £200
Lent Quiet Morning: Come out into the Light
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A time for prayer and led reflection as, journeying through Lent, we experience the height and depth of God’s personal love for us.
10am – 12.30pm
Cost: £10
Lent Retreat: Springs in the Wilderness
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A weekend residential retreat with an individual guide for each retreatant. This retreat provides an opportunity to step aside from the busyness of everyday life and spend time in quiet prayer and reflection this Lent. The weekend will be held in silence. As well as daily meetings with your retreat guide, there will be times of community prayer with poetry, music, and Scripture.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £220
Standard: £200
The Labyrinth
Led by Martin Garsed
We live in our bodies - but as prisoner or free agent in the spirit? This day explores the Labyrinth as contemplative prayer, a healing tool and experience. Walking the Labyrinth invites us to engage with the challenges of everyday life, and desire to love the journey and the goal in our response to God’s call. All it asks of you is to walk.
"Walk the Labyrinth":
• An ancient healing experience for many.
• An opportunity to slow down and reflect on your now in body, mind and spirit.
• A sacred window as you explore further who you are.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £30
Overnight stay (B&B – Fri – Sat) + day retreat: £85
Longing for God: Individually Guided Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A retreat guide will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 6pm on Tuesday and depart by 3pm on Thursday.
En-suite: £220
Standard: £200
Deepening our Consent to Inner Growth -An 8-Day Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat
Led by Jill Benet
This retreat provides an opportunity to deepen the practice of Centering Prayer in an atmosphere of silence and companionship. The rhythm of the day will include extended periods of Centering Prayer, silence, Lectio Divina, and rest. Following the guidelines of the Contemplative Outreach Post-Intensive Retreat, participants may choose longer periods of solitude. Individual companioning will be available daily. This retreat is an invitation to open to the presence and action of the Divine within. An established practice of silent prayer, meditation or Centering Prayer is highly recommended.
Arrive in time for supper at 6pm on Sunday 4 February and depart after breakfast on Sunday 11 February.
En-suite: £730
Standard: £665
Wisdom from the Desert
Led by Audrey Hamilton
'I will lure her into the desert and speak to her heart.' (Hosea 2:16)
Join us for a day 'in the wilderness' as we explore what the wisdom of desert spirituality can say to us today. We shall draw on the treasures of some of the Desert Fathers and Mothers and learn how a rhythm of silence and prayer can be woven into the pattern of even the busiest life.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £30
Overnight stay (B&B – Fri – Sat) + day retreat: £85
Deepening Trust
Led by Jill Benet
“For one should direct the eye to this inner work and work out of it, be it reading, praying or - if it comes up - outer work.”
Meister Eckhart, Speeches of instruction. Tract 23.
A weekend of silence and solitude where we shall form a small community and sit together in extended periods of Centering Prayer to consider the meaning of ‘inner work’ and deepen our trust in the Divine Indwelling that sustains us at all times. This weekend is suitable for those wishing to establish or have a regular practice of Centering Prayer. There will be some teaching, and extended periods of prayer and silence.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 3pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £230
Standard: £210
Advent Retreat
Led by the House of Prayer Team
‘Prepare in the wilderness a way for the Lord’ (Isaiah 40: 3)
As we approach Christmas, this residential retreat will offer a silent and creative space to pray and reflect as we wait with hope and expectancy for the coming of Christ. This retreat will include regular input and guided meditations on Scripture, poetry and music, and space for personal reflection and prayer.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.
En-suite: £220
Standard: £200
Longing for God: Midweek Individually Guided Retreat
Led by: The House of Prayer Team
A silent individually guided retreat for busy people, those who have not made a retreat before, or for anyone who needs time away to stop, breathe, and pray. A retreat guide will be available for daily individual meetings to accompany you through the retreat. Above all, this retreat is a time of listening to God who is present in the experiences of prayer and daily living.
Arrive in time for supper at 6pm on Tuesday and depart by 3pm on Thursday.
En-suite: £220
Standard: £200
Advent: Lectio Divina
Led by Helen Healy
2pm - 3pm
Tuesday 28 November, 5 December, 12 December, 19 December
An opportunity to join a small group meeting at the House of Prayer during Advent. Lectio Divina is divine reading, listening to Scripture with the ear of the heart. Places are limited and given on a first-come, first-served basis.
Donations welcome
The ministry of presence in the pastoral care of the sick, the dying, and the bereaved
Led by: Fr Joseph McCullough
Pastoral ministry to the sick, the dying and the bereaved, is a defining task of Christian discipleship. This reflection will seek to explore the environment from which a person may draw physical, emotional and spiritual sustenance from wholistic pastoral practice. It will focus on how the practice of pastoral presence can be shared with the sick and dying person through prayer, service, silence, touch, empathy and listening.
Starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. Please bring a packed lunch.
Cost: £30