Led by Antonia Lynn on Zoom
“Hour by hour fresh lips are making
Thy wondrous doings heard on high”
At any moment, somewhere in the world, the Psalms are being recited or sung as the Church follows St Paul’s instruction to ‘pray without ceasing’. Compiled over many centuries, the Book of Psalms would have given expression to Jesus’ prayer to his Father. How can we join in and make these very human songs to the Divine our own, singing them with ‘fresh lips’? Come and explore! It will be helpful to bring a Bible, psalter or prayer book/breviary with you.
Starts at 10am and ends at 4pm.
Cost: £30
To book or for more information, please e-mail admin@christian-retreat.org.
Antonia has a long experience of spiritual direction and giving retreats. She is a tutor on the Ignatian Spirituality Course based at the London Jesuit Centre. Antonia also works at the London Centre for Spiritual Direction where she is Warden and Referrals Co-ordinator for the Community of Spiritual Directors. She is interested in exploring spirituality as “lived theology” which enables us to live out our deepest beliefs and values.