Led by Jacqueline Evans
Jacqueline Evans is an Alexander Technique teacher for whom Alexander principles profoundly deepen the experience of meditation. On this retreat she will be teaching techniques for rediscovering your inherent ease and freedom, which help to calm your breath and quieten your body-mind, both on and off the meditation cushion or chair. Using some of the principles of Alexander Technique you will discover ways of touching into Silence as you go about your life.
Arrive in time for supper on Friday at 7pm and leave after lunch on Sunday.
Cost: £180
To book or for more information, please e-mail admin@christian-retreat.org.
Jacqueline is a teacher of the Alexander Technique and a trainer of teachers of the Technique at the Bristol Alexander School, alongside running her private practice in Bristol. She is a teacher of Centering Prayer and a leader of retreats combining the releasing principles of Alexander with Centering Prayer.