Please contact the Administrator to be added to our waiting list for this retreat
Led by: Audrey Hamilton
Teresa of Avila famously described prayer as nothing else than an intimate sharing between friends, taking time to be alone with Him who we know loves us. She, and the other great Carmelite mystics, have much to teach us about how beloved we are and the grandeur of our calling. They also help us to be authentically ourselves in the reality of our daily lives. Join us as we sit at their feet and enter the mystery of God's transformative love.
Arrive in time for supper at 7pm and depart after lunch on Sunday.
Local? We have limited spaces available for day guests.
Cost: £110
For more information or to make a booking, please e-mail the Administrator at admin@christian-retreat.org or use our contact us form.
Audrey is a long-standing friend of the House of Prayer. Initially formed in the Ignatian tradition, she has for the past few years been exploring and sharing with others the depths of Carmelite Spirituality through the Oxford Centre for Applied Carmelite Spirituality. She is a Secular Carmelite, spiritual director and retreat giver and is passionate about helping people encounter God amidst the pressures of daily life.